Sleep Apnea in Riverdale, IL

Woman yawning while working on her computer

In Riverdale, IL, having a restful night’s sleep can significantly improve your overall health. However, obstructive sleep apnea, characterized by chronic loud snoring, interrupted sleep, and morning drowsiness, hampers many from attaining quality sleep. This condition arises when upper airways become obstructed, inhibiting deep sleep. If left untreated, it could trigger multiple health complications.

Sleep apnea machines and certain medications may not always facilitate the required quality of sleep. In such scenarios, oral appliance therapy, available at Dental Care 4 U, may prove beneficial. Our dedicated team is adept at providing sleep apnea oral devices designed to unblock airways, fostering a more restful sleep.

Dental Care 4 U: Snoring & Sleep Apnea Treatment

Obstructive sleep apnea, a severe sleep disorder, arises when the back of the throat’s tissues obstruct the airways. These breathing pauses throughout the night result in morning fatigue and drowsiness. Besides affecting sleep, it also heightens the risk of other health conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression.

Man yawning due to lack of sleep possible caused by Sleep Apnea

Typically, sleep apnea experts suggest using a positive airway pressure device or a CPAP machine to prevent airway collapse. However, not everyone can adapt to CPAP machines, and surgeries might be overly invasive for some individuals.

For those struggling with sleep apnea, oral appliances could offer a solution. These tailor-made devices aim to thrust the lower jaw and tongue forward and stabilize the tongue, ensuring open airways during sleep.

Dental Care 4 U’s Role in Sleep Apnea Treatment in Riverdale

Our clinic, conveniently located near Riverdale, offers a convenient solution for sleep apnea treatment, providing oral appliances designed to improve your sleep quality. Our range of sleep apnea oral devices includes:

  • Mandibular Advancement Devices: These devices latch onto the upper and lower teeth to advance the jaw and tongue, mitigating snoring and daytime fatigue.
  • Tongue-Stabilizing Devices: These devices leverage suction to pull the tongue forward, preventing it from obstructing the airways.
  • Rapid Maxillary Expansion Devices: Orthodontic devices that widen the mouth’s roof to open up the airways. Custom-fitted expanders correct arched palates in children by applying pressure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it possible for a dentist to assist with sleep apnea?

A: Absolutely, dentists have the ability to offer oral appliance therapy. These are custom-designed devices that alter the position of your jaw and tongue to keep your airway clear while you’re sleeping.

Q: What are the indications that I might be suffering from sleep apnea?

A: Symptoms often associated with sleep apnea include loud and persistent snoring, episodes of gasping for air while sleeping, feeling excessively sleepy during the day, and difficulty maintaining sleep. If you’re experiencing these signs, it’s crucial to seek medical consultation.

At Dental Care 4 U, near Riverdale, IL, we strive to provide you with a restful night’s sleep and optimal oral health through quality dental care. Our services cater to all your basic dental needs, including cleaning and exam, replacement crown, or other treatments. Please contact our practice today to arrange an appointment with Dr. Raj Khurana. Regardless of the hour, you can anticipate consistent quality care that feels like home with the same familiar dentist.

Looking for exceptional dental care?

Dental Care 4 U services South Holland, Calumet, Riverdale and surrounding areas. Reach out to us today to request an appointment.